Register for the Competition

Teams from any college or university are encouraged to register teams of students (graduate, undergraduate, or mixed groups) for the Stage Machine Design Competition.

Only teams may register for the Stage Machine Design Competition; individuals cannot compete. Teams must be comprised of no fewer than two (2) and no more than four (4) students.

Each team must have a faculty or staff coach from a college or university theatre department who can attest to each team member’s commitment to theatre technology and/or theatre engineering. Coaches must be present at the competition and can work with more than one team. (However, we recommend not coaching more than two total teams.)

Registration cost is $25 per individual participant (not per team), and is non-refundable. (Note that participants—including faculty sponsors—are responsible for all travel-related expenses, though lunch will be provided on the day of the competition event.)

Registration deadline is January 31, 2023.

Register here!