Funded Research
Faculty Funding
- 2024 CFF Faculty Fellow:
Leanne Nieforth, Comparative Pathobiology
A Multi-Modal, Multi-Informant Approach to Determine the Perceived Influence of Psychiatric Assistance Dogs for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on Military Families - 2023 CFF Faculty Fellow:
Amanda Veile, Anthropology
Nutritional assessment of Yucatec Maya Children in the Aftermath of Global Disruption - 2022 Lorene Burkhart Faculty Fellow:
Annabelle Atkin, HDFS
A Mixed Methods Study of Race Messages in Multiracial Families - 2021 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Xiang Zhou, Counseling PSY/EDU
Burmese Refugee Adolescents’ Psychosocial Development: A Longitudinal Follow-up Study - 2020 Lorene Burkhart Faculty Fellow:
Trenton D. Mize, SOC
Attenuating the Commitment Penalty: How Organizational Policies and Workplace Culture Affect Perceptions of Workers Who Take Parental Leave - 2019 Lorene Burkhart Faculty Fellow:
Jessica Lougheed, HDFS
Associations between Mothers’ and Adolescents’ Emotional Functioning and Internalizing Symptoms - 2018 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Elizabeth Richards, Nursing
Stepping Out: A Pilot Study of Older Couples’ Paired Walking - 2017 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Zoe Taylor, HDFS
Does self-regulation buffer Midwestern Latino youth from mental health inequities resulting from stress exposure? - 2016 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Frank Snyder, H&K
Children’s first exposure to alcohol use: Sipping in family and community contexts - 2015 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Aryn Dotterer, HDFS
Engaging Parents in STEM - 2014 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Sharon Christ, HDFS
Child maltreatment in child development in context - 2013 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Steve Wilson, COMM
Complex Conversations: How Do Military Families Talk About Mental Health Concerns - 2012 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Oliver Wendt, SLHS
Effects of a parent-implemented augmentative and alternative communication program for children with severe autism - 2011 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Elizabeth Hoffman, SOC
Workplace Lactation Support and Working Mothers’ Breastfeeding Success - 2010 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Heather Servaty-Seib, Educational Studies
BRIDGe - 2009 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Jakob Jensen, COMM
Bi-lingual children as translators: How low income, Spanish-speaking families negotiate health literacy barriers - 2008 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Carol Boushey/Melissa Franks, NUTR
Correspondence in Daily Diet Quality of Patients with Diabetes and Their Spouses - 2007 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Jennifer Dobbs, HDFS
Evaluation of Ready to Read program - 2005 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Ximena Arriaga, PSY
Psychological Consequences of Partner Violence: What Happens When Victims Deny or Justify Their Partner’s Violent Behavior - 2005 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Xinran Lehto, HTM
The Right Vacation for the Overworked: Examining the Buffering effect of Vacation Activities on Work Stress - 2005 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
German Posada, HDFS - 2004 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Volker Thomas - 2004 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Connie Weaver/Barbara Mayfield, NUTR
Promoting Family Meals - 2002 Susan Kontos Faculty Fellow:
Volker Thomas
Web-based workshop in Family Systems Theory and Application for Head Start Workers - 1998 Ann Hancook Faculty Fellow:
Fred Piercy
Qualitative Human Service Program Evaluation: Developing and Field Testing a Manual with Indiana HIV Prevention Programs
- 2024: A. J. Schwichtenberg, HDFS, supporting Carlos Guzman-Garcia, Do Girls with ADHD Present with More Sleep Problems?
- 2023: Kristine Marceau, HDFS, supporting Gina Canino-Quiñones, The Hormonal Milieu and Family Relationships Across Childhood and Adolescence
- 2022: Christy Wessel Powell, Curriculum and Instruction supporting Kayla Neal, Parent Experiences with Racial Representation in Children’s Literature
- 2021: A. J. Schwichtenberg, HDFS, supporting Amy Janis, Sleep and Gross Motor Development within the Context of Elevated Autism Risk
- 2020: Kristine Marceau, HDFS, supporting Alishia Elliott, Biobehavioral Development Lab undergraduate research
- 2019: David Purpura, HDFS, supporting Meg Becker, Parent Math Anxiety and Mathematical Performance of Pre-K Children
- 2018: Kristine Marceau, HDFS, supporting Savannah Hottle, BIO, 25 Years of Puberty Research: A Bibliometrics Analysis
- 2017: A. J. Schwichtenberg, HDFS, supporting Anne Nanninga, PSY, Growing up with Dup15q and Angelmann Syndromes
- 2016: Sharon Christ, HDFS, supporting Anthony Adams, STAT, Child Maltreatment and Child Development in Context
- 2014: Eliott Friedman supporting Alyssa Nowakowski
- 2013: Amber Seidel supporting Ashley Kite, Kaitlyn Plewniak, and Amanda Welch
- 2008: Carol Boushey supporting Leslie Cradler
Graduate Student Funding
- 2024: Inga Nordgren, HDFS, Inter-University Collaboration on the Advancing Insight into Maternal Social Support (AIMSS) Project
- 2023: Mehreen Hassan, HDFS, The South Asian Families’ Perspective on Coaching
- 2022: Mairéad Willis, Psychological Sciences, Emotion Socialization and ADHD in Middle Childhood
- 2021: Rachel Hahn Arkenberg, SLHS, Family and Child Influences on Complementary Feeding and Communication Development
- 2020: Reilly Kincaid, SOC, Work-Family Conflict and Marital Quality Crossover: The Role of Partner-Child Relationship
- 2019: Ashleigh Kellerman, HDFS, Family Access to Social Communication Intervention Services: A Family-Routines Based Approach
- 2018: Irem Korucu, HDFS, Pathways to early school success: Exploring the individual and collective contributions of contextual factors and school readiness skills
- 2018: Amy Napoli, HDFS, Does parent-child math engagement add up? A home numeracy environment intervention for parents of preschool children
- 2017: Zachary Gold, HDFS, Engineering play: Exploring associations with executive function, mathematical ability, and spatial ability in preschool
- 2017: Aura Ankita Mishra, HDFS, The impact of neglect and co-occurring maltreatment types on adolescents’ problem behaviors: A prospective longitudinal study
- 2016: Mary Marshall, HDFS, Walking for our health: A Couple-Focused approach to promote physical activity
- 2015: Elizabeth Wehrspann, Bridging the Gap: Examining Indiana Legislators’ Uses of Research and the Family Impact Lens in Policymaking
- 2014: Madisson Whitman, Gender Variant Children and Their Families
- 2024: Ivan Mendoza, HDFS/NUTR, Examining the Effect of Parenting on Children’s Response to Digital Food Advertisements
- 2023: Nathan Lieng, HDFS/Educational Studies, Healing from Intergenerational Cultural Conflict Through Cultivating Intergenerational Cultural Humility in Asian American Families.
- 2023: Claire Rosenberger, HDFS/Computer Graphics Technology, Examining Effectiveness of Families Tackling Tough Times Together Program to Promote Family Communication and Child Well-Being Among At-Risk Families
- 2022: Mun Sun Julia Choi, NUTR/Gerontology, Rough Journey to Menopause: How Does Perimenopausal Menorrhagia Affect Women’s Quality of Life and Cognitive Function?
- 2021: Alyssa Obradovich, COMM/HDFS, Managing Privacy and Uncertainty in End-of-Life Communication
- 2020: Lindsay Bryant, HDFS/Public Health, Physical Activity and School Readiness in Preschoolers
- 2019: Kaylin Hill, PSY/HDFS, Identifying the Pathophysiology of Depression and its Permeability Across the Lifespan
- 2018: Kerri Rodriguez, Vet Med/HDFS , Efficacy of Psychiatric PTSD Service Dogs on Psychosocial and Physiological Indicators of Well-Being in Military Veterans with PTSD and Their Spouses
- 2017: Matthew Perrigino, OBHR, Family supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB) in organizations
- 2016: Emily Abel, HDFS/EDST, Sleep and Daytime Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
- 2015: Elizabeth Wehrspann, HDFS/POL, Bridging the Gap: Examining Indiana Legislators’ Uses of Research and the Family Impact Lens in Policymaking
- 2014: Zachary Gold, HDFS/Engineering, Preschoolers’ Physical, Social, and Engineering Play Behaviors: Differences in Gender and Play Environment
- 2022: Elina Dawoodani, NUTR, Does Iron Deficiency Affect Children’s Eating Behavior?
- 2021: Elizabeth Kielb, HDFS, Parental Food Choice for their Preschool Aged Child: A Means-End Investigation
- 2019: Kassidy Sharpe, NUTR, Reducing Added Sugars in Adolescents and Families using Sparkling Water
- 2018: Breanne Wright, NUTR, Evaluating the effect of a community targeted intervention on the nutritional quality of the food pantry environment, and the diet quality and food security of food pantry clients, in a multistate sample of 24 rural, Midwestern food pantries
- 2017: Breanne Wright, NUTR, Food security, dietary quality, and use of resources are low among rural U.S. Veteran food pantry users in a Reaching Rural Veterans pilot intervention
- 2016: Rebecca Rivera, NUTR, Evaluating the effect of SNAP-Ed on household food security status and nutrient intake of SNAP eligible participants in Indiana
- 2015: Rebecca Rivera, NUTR, Evaluating the effect of SNAP-Ed on household food security status and nutrient intake of SNAP eligible participants in Indiana
- 2024: Muskan Datta, HDFS, Examining the Role of Couples’ Ineffective Arguing on Effect of Parental PTSD Symptoms on Children’s Externalizing Behaviors in Military Families
- 2021: Christine McCall, HDFS, Relationship Dynamics Across Multiple Time Scales and Multiple Transitions
- 2013: Jill Trumbell, HDFS, Attachment Behavior and Representation across Early Childhood: Links to Maternal Behavior
- 2009: Elizabeth Munz, COMM, Communication as Preparation: Linking How Caregivers and Children Talk about the Transition to Kindergarten with Attachment Security
- 2006: Belinda Richardson, HDFS
- 2003: Jackie Kelly Wheeler, HDFS
- 2001: Stephanie Thurman, HDFS
- 2000: Natashia Robbins, HDFS
- 1996: Philip Mamalakis, HFDS
- 1995: Fiona Innes, HDFS
- 1994: Anne Prouty, HDFS
- 2012: Lisa Guntzviller, Interaction Goals, Parenting, and Language Brokering
- 2012: Katie Lowe, Parental Involvement in the College Transition
- 2011: Travis E. Dorsch, Parents’ Early Socialization through Organized Youth Sport
- 2011: Joellen Lewsader, Church-Sponsored Child Care: Association of Regulatory Level with Quality for Young Children
- 2011: Ting Lu, Mother-Child Conversations about Peers, Mother-Child Interaction, Children’s Social Knowledge, and Peer Competence
- 2011: Elizabeth Slaughterbeck, Intimate Partners’ Perception of OIF Veterans’ Combat Exposure and Satisfaction: Does Knowledge of Combat Act as a Buffer Longitudinally?
- 2011: Minghua Tan, The relationship between emergent literacy and early social emotional development in preschool children
- 2010: Michelle Finley
- 2009: Julie Newcamp, A Real-Time Sociological Study of How Organizations Apply New Laws
- 2008: Neelu Chawla, Couple and Family Responses to Traumatic Brain Injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
- 2007: Kyong-Ah Kwon, Coparenting, Parenting, and Socio-Emotional Development in Toddlers
- 2007: Gwen Parks, When pink ribbons bind: The effect of breast cancer on mother-daughter relationships
- 2006: Jordana Hoegh
- 2006: Nilufer Kafescioglu
- 2005: Kamala Ramadoss
- 2004: Eric Brey
- 2004: Carrie Mathers
- 2003: Andrew Behnke
- 2003: Nithyakala Karuppaswamy
- 2002: Rajeswari Natrajan
- 2001: Megan Dolbin
Graduate Internships
- 2025:
- 2023: Elizabeth Kielb, HDFS
- 2022: Inga Nordgren, HDFS
- 2020: Christine McCall, HDFS
- 2019: Nayantara Nair, HDFS
- 2018: Elizabeth Coppola, HDFS
- 2018: Brittany Mihalec-Adkins, HDFS
- 2017: Keisha Bailey, HDFS
- 2017: Aura Ankita Mishra, HDFS
- 2016: Meghan Loeser, HDFS
- 2014: Elizabeth Day, HDFS
- 2015: Lindsay Fuzzell, HDFS
- 2013 & 2014: Elizabeth Day, HDFS
- 2011 & 2012: Chanele Robinson, HDFS
- 2009 & 2010: Susan Laing, HDFS
- 2004: Nina Philipsen Hetzner, HDFS
- 2004: Karen Ruprecht, HDFS
- 2002: Rebecca Sero-Lynn, HDFS