Kanter Nominated Research

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2024 Winners

Conzon, V. M. (2023). The equality policy paradox: Gender differences in how managers implement gender equality–related policies. Administrative Science Quarterly, 68(3), 648-690. https://doi.org/10.1177/00018392231174235 

Wayne, J. H., Mills, M. J., Wang, Y. R., Matthews, R. A., & Whitman, M. V. (2023). Who’s remembering to buy the eggs? The meaning, measurement, and implications of invisible family load. Journal of Business and Psychology, 38(6), 1159-1184. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10869-023-09887-7       

2024 Finalists

  • Chan‐Serafin, S., Sanders, K., Wang, L., & Restubog, S. L. D. (2023). The adoption of human resource practices to support employees affected by intimate partner violence: Women representation in leadership matters. Human Resource Management, 62(5), 745-764. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrm.22157            
  • Engeman, C. (2023). Making parenting leave accessible to fathers: Political actors and new social rights, 1965–2016. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 30(4), 1137-1161.      https://doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxac038                                          
  • Hara, Y. (2023). Gender differences in scaling back: Family formation and aspirations toward work achievement among Japanese adults. Socius, 9. https://doi.org/10.1177/23780231231157682 
  • Vaalavuo, M., Salokangas, H., & Tahvonen, O. (2023). Gender inequality reinforced: The impact of a child’s health shock on parents’ labor market trajectories. Demography, 60(4), 1005-1029. https://doi.org/10.1215/00703370-10828906                                            

2024 Nominees

  • Beham, B., Ollier-Malaterre, A., Allen, T. D., Baierl, A., Alexandrova, M., Artiawati, Beauregard, T. A., Carvalho, V. S., Chambel, M. J., Cho, E., Coden da Silva, B., Dawkins, S., Escribano, P. I., Gudeta, K. H., Huang, T.-p., Jaga, A., Kost, D., Kurowska, A., Leon, E., . . . Waismel-Manor, R. (2023). Humane orientation, work–family conflict, and positive spillover across cultures. Journal of Applied Psychology. 108(10), 1573–1597. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0001093
  • Chung, H., & Booker, C. (2023). Flexible working and the division of housework and childcare: Examining divisions across arrangement and occupational lines. Work, Employment and Society, 37(1), 236-256. https://doi.org/10.1177/09500170221096586
  • de Laat, K. (2023). Remote work and post-bureaucracy: Unintended consequences of work design for gender inequality. ILR Review, 76(1), 135-159. https://doi.org/10.1177/00197939221076134
  • Gabriel, A. S., Ladge, J. J., Little, L. M., MacGowan, R. L., & Stillwell, E. E. (2023). Sensemaking through the storm: How postpartum depression shapes personal work–family narratives. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(12), 1903–1923. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0001125                   
  • Hook, J. L., Li, M., Paek, E., & Cotter, B. (2023). National work–family policies and the occupational segregation of women and mothers in European countries, 1999–2016. European Sociological Review, 39(2), 280-300. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac046
  • Little, L. M., & Masterson, C. R. (2023). Mother’s reentry: A relative contribution perspective of dual-earner parents’ roles, resources, and outcomes. Academy of Management Journal, 66(6), 1741-1767. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2019.1344   
  • Patterson, S. E., Freedman, V. A., Cornman, J. C., & Wolff, J. L. (2023). Work as overload or enhancement for family caregivers of older adults: Assessment of experienced well‐being over the day. Journal of Marriage and Family, 85(3), 760-781. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12909

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2023 Winner

  • Fasang, A. E., & Aisenbrey, S. (2022). Uncovering social stratification: Intersectional inequalities in work and family life courses by gender and race. Social Forces, 101(2), 575-605. https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/soab151

2023 Finalists

  • Jackson, M. I., & Schneider, D. (2022). Public investments and class gaps in parents’ developmental expenditures. American Sociological Review, 87(1), 105-142. https://doi.org/10.1177/00031224211069975
  • Lankes, J. (2022). Negotiating “impossible” ideals: Latent classes of intensive mothering in the United States. Gender & Society, 36(5), 677-703. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432221114873
  • Schmitt, L., & Auspurg, K. (2022). A stall only on the surface? Working hours and the persistence of the gender wage gap in Western Germany 1985–2014. European Sociological Review, 38(5), 754-769. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcac001
  • Shifrin, N. V., & Michel, J. S. (2022). Flexible work arrangements and employee health: A meta-analytic review. Work & Stress, 36(1), 60-85. https://doi.org/10.1080/02678373.2021.1936287
  • Thébaud, S., & Pedulla, D. S. (2022). When do work-family policies work? Unpacking the effects of stigma and financial costs for men and women. Work and Occupations, 49(2), 229-263. https://doi.org/10.1177/07308884211069914

2023 Nominees

  • Bonnes, S. (2022). Femininity anchors: Heterosexual relationships and pregnancy as sites of harassment for US Servicewomen. American Sociological Review, 87(4), 618-643. https://doi.org/10.1177/00031224221110535
  • Greenbaum, R. L., Deng, Y., Butts, M. M., Wang, C. S., & Smith, A. N. (2022). Managing my shame: Examining the effects of parental identity threat and emotional stability on work productivity and investment in parenting. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(9), 1479–1497. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000597
  • Wan, M., Carlson, D. S., Quade, M. J., & Kacmar, K. M. (2022). Does work passion influence prosocial behaviors at work and home? Examining the underlying work–family mechanisms. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 43(9), 1516-1534. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2566

2022 Kanter Award

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2022 Winner

  • Ananat, E. O., & Gassman‐Pines, A. (2021). Work Schedule Unpredictability: Daily Occurrence and Effects on Working Parents’ Well‐Being. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(1), 10-26. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12696

2022 Finalists

  • Andersson, M. A., Garcia, M. A., & Glass, J. (2021). Work–Family Reconciliation and Children’s Well-Being Disparities across OECD Countries. Social Forces, 100(2), 794-820. https://doi.org/10.1093/sf/soaa132
  • Rao, A. H. (2021). The Ideal Job‐Seeker Norm: Unemployment and Marital Privileges in the Professional Middle‐Class. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(4), 1038-1057. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12748
  • Straut‐Eppsteiner, H. (2021). Undocumented Mothers and Work–Family Conflict in Restrictive Policy Contexts. Journal of Marriage and Family, 83(3), 865-880. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12737
  • Thébaud, S., & Taylor, C. J. (2021). The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering. Gender & Society, 35(3), 395-421. https://doi.org/10.1177/08912432211006037
  • Wayne, J. H., Vaziri, H., & Casper, W. J. (2021). Work-Nonwork Balance: Development and Validation of a Global and Multidimensional Measure. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 127, 103565. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103565

2022 Nominees

  • Badawy, P. J., & Schieman, S. (2021). Controlling or Channeling Demands? How Schedule Control Influences the Link between Job Pressure and the Work-Family Interface. Work and Occupations, 48(3), 320-352. https://doi.org/10.1177/0730888420965650
  • Buchler, S., & Lutz, K. (2021). Fathers’ Job Flexibility and Mothers’ Return to Employment. European Sociological Review, 37(4), 659-672. https://doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcab009
  • Craig, L., & van Tienoven, T. P. (2021). Gendered Shares of the Family Rush Hour in Fulltime Dual Earner Families. A Cross National Comparison. Social Indicators Research, 153(1), 385-405. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11205-020-02489-3
  • Glass, J. L., Raley, R. K., & Pepin, J. R. (2021). Children’s Financial Dependence on Mothers: Propensity and Duration. Socius, 7, 23780231211055246. https://doi.org/10.1177%2F23780231211055246
  • Gonalons-Pons, P., & Gangl, M. (2021). Marriage and Masculinity: Male-Breadwinner Culture, Unemployment, and Separation Risk in 29 Countries. American Sociological Review, 86(3), 465-502. https://doi.org/10.1177/00031224211012442
  • Hamilton, L. T., & Armstrong, E. A. (2021). Parents, Partners, and Professions: Reproduction and Mobility in a Cohort of College Women. American Journal of Sociology, 127(1), 102-151. https://doi.org/10.1086/714850
  • He, J. C., & Kang, S. K. (2021). Covering in Cover Letters: Gender and Self-Presentation in Job Applications. Academy of Management Journal, 64(4), 1097-1126. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2018.1280
  • Ishizuka, P. (2021). The Motherhood Penalty in Context: Assessing Discrimination in a Polarized Labor Market. Demography, 58(4), 1275-1300. https://doi.org/10.1215/00703370-9373587
  • Mari, G., & Keizer, R. (2021). Parental Job Loss and Early Child Development in the Great Recession. Child Development, 92(5), 1698-1716. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.13517
  • Offer, S., & Kaplan, D. (2021). The “New Father” Between Ideals and Practices: New Masculinity Ideology, Gender Role Attitudes, and Fathers’ Involvement in Childcare. Social Problems, 68(4), 986-1009. https://doi.org/10.1093/socpro/spab015
  • Shen, W., Hu, L. C., & Hannum, E. (2021). Effect Pathways of Informal Family Separation on Children’s Outcomes: Paternal Labor Migration and Long-Term Educational Attainment of Left-Behind Children in Rural China. Social Science Research, 97, 102576. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2021.102576

2021 Kanter Award

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2021 Winner

  • Padavic, I., Ely, R. J., & Reid, E. M. (2020). Explaining the persistence of gender inequality: The work–family narrative as a social defense against the 24/7 work culture. Administrative Science Quarterly, 65(1), 61-111. https://doi.org/10.1177/0001839219832310

2021 Finalists

  • Collins, C. (2020). Who to blame and how to solve it: Mothers’ perceptions of work–family conflict across Western policy regimes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82(3), 849-874. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12643
  • Hook, J. L., & Paek, E. (2020). National family policies and mothers’ employment: How earnings inequality shapes policy effects across and within countries. American Sociological Review, 85(3), 381-416. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122420922505
  • Muller, J. S., Hiekel, N., & Liefbroer, A. C. (2020). The long-term costs of family trajectories: Women’s later-life employment and earnings across Europe. Demography, 57(3), 1007-1034. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-020-00874-8
  • Piszczek, M. M. (2020). Reciprocal relationships between workplace childcare initiatives and collective turnover rates of men and women. Journal of Management, 46(3), 470-494. https://doi.org/10.1177/0149206318799480

2021 Nominees

  • Allen, T. D., French, K. A., Dumani, S., & Shockley, K. M. (2020). A cross-national meta-analytic examination of predictors and outcomes associated with work–family conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology105(6), 539. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000442    
  • Beckman, C. M., & Stanko, T. L. (2020). It takes three: Relational boundary work, resilience, and commitment among Navy couples. Academy of Management Journal63(2), 411-439. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.0653
  • Broadway, B., Kalb, G., McVicar, D., & Martin, B. (2020). The impact of paid parental leave on labor supply and employment outcomes in Australia. Feminist Economics26(3), 30-65. https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2020.1718175
  • Dunatchik, A., & Speight, S. (2020). Re-examining how partner co-presence and multitasking affect parents’ enjoyment of childcare and housework. Sociological Science, 7, 268-290. https://doi.org/10.15195/v7.a11     
  • Kossek, E. E., Rosokha, L. M., & Leana, C. (2020). Work schedule patching in health care: Exploring implementation approaches. Work and Occupations47(2), 228-261. https://doi.org/10.1177/0730888419841101
  • Masood, A., & Nisar, M. A. (2020). Crushed between two stones: Competing institutional logics in the implementation of maternity leave policies in Pakistan. Gender, Work & Organization27(6), 1103-1126. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12448
  • Musick, K., Bea, M. D., & Gonalons-Pons, P. (2020). His and her earnings following parenthood in the United States, Germany, and the United Kingdom. American Sociological Review85(4), 639-674. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122420934430
  • Zoch, G. (2020). Public childcare provision and employment participation of East and West German mothers with different educational backgrounds. Journal of European Social Policy30(3), 370-385. https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928719892843

2020 Kanter Award

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2020 Winner

  • Bowles, H. R., Thomason, B., & Bear, J. B. (2019). Reconceptualizing what and how women negotiate for career advancement. Academy of Management Journal, 62(6), 1645-1671. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2017.1497

2020 Finalists

  • Brinton, M. C., & Oh, E. (2019). Babies, work, or both? Highly educated women’s employment and fertility in East Asia. American Journal of Sociology, 125(1), 105-140. https://doi.org/10.1086/704369
  • Gu, C. J. (2019). Bargaining with Confucian patriarchy: Money, culture, and gender division of labor in Taiwanese immigrant families. Qualitative Sociology, 42(4), 687-709. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11133-019-09427-x
  • Lin, M., & Wang, Q. (2019). Center-based childcare expansion and grandparents’ employment and wellbeing. Social Science & Medicine, 240, 112547. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112547

2020 Nominees

  • Banchik, A. V. (2019). Taking care and taking over: Daughter’s duty, self-employment, and gendered inheritance in Zacatecas, Mexico. Gender & Society, 33(2), 296-320. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243218825104
  • Cebrián, I., Davia, M. A., Legazpe, N., & Moreno, G. (2019). Mothers’ employment and child care choices across the European Union. Social Science Research, 80, 66-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2019.02.003
  • Dahm, P. C., Kim, Y., Glomb, T. M., & Harrison, S. H. (2019). Identity affirmation as threat? Time-bending sensemaking and the career and family identity patterns of early achievers. Academy of Management Journal, 62(4), 1194-1225. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2016.0699
  • Delanoeije, J., Verbruggen, M., & Germeys, L. (2019). Boundary role transitions: A day-to-day approach to explain the effects of home-based telework on work-to-home conflict and home-to-work conflict. Human Relations, 72(12), 1843-1868. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726718823071
  • Fan, W., Lam, J., & Moen, P. (2019). Stress proliferation? Precarity and work–family conflict at the intersection of gender and household income. Journal of Family Issues, 40(18), 2751-2773. https://doi.org/10.1177/0192513X19862847
  • Genadek, K. R., Flood, S. M., & Moen, P. (2019). For better or worse? Couples’ time together in encore adulthood. The Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Social Sciences, 74(2), 329-338. https://doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbx129
  • Healy, G., & Ahamed, M. M. (2019). Gender pay gap, voluntary interventions and recession: the case of the British financial services sector. British Journal of Industrial Relations, 57(2), 302-327. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjir.12448
  • Margolis, R., Hou, F., Haan, M., & Holm, A. (2019). Use of parental benefits by family income in Canada: Two policy changes. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81(2), 450-467. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12542
  • Masood, A. (2019). Influence of marriage on women’s participation in medicine: The case of doctor brides of Pakistan. Sex Roles, 80(1-2), 105-122. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-018-0909-5
  • Schneider, D., & Harknett, K. (2019). Consequences of routine work-schedule instability for worker health and well-being. American Sociological Review, 84(1), 82-114. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122418823184
  • Yavorsky, J. E., Keister, L. A., Qian, Y., & Nau, M. (2019). Women in the one percent: Gender dynamics in top income positions. American Sociological Review, 84(1), 54-81. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122418820702

2019 Kanter Award

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2019 Winner

  • Weisshaar, K. (2018). From opt out to blocked out: The challenges for labor market re-entry after family-related employment lapses. American Sociological Review, 83(1), 34-60. https://doi.org/10.1177/0003122417752355

2019 Finalists

  • Andersen, S. H. (2018). Paternity leave and the motherhood penalty: New causal evidence. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(5), 1125-1143. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12507 sha@rff.dk
  • Casper, W. J., Vaziri, H., Wayne, J. H., DeHauw, S., & Greenhaus, J. (2018). The jingle-jangle of work–nonwork balance: A comprehensive and meta-analytic review of its meaning and measurement. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(2), 182. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000259
  • Lapierre, L. M., Li, Y., Kwan, H. K., Greenhaus, J. H., DiRenzo, M. S., & Shao, P. (2018). A meta‐analysis of the antecedents of work–family enrichment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 39(4), 385-401. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2234
  • Wilson, K. S., Baumann, H. M., Matta, F. K., Ilies, R., & Kossek, E. E. (2018). Misery loves company: an investigation of couples’ interrole conflict congruence. Academy of Management Journal, 61(2), 715-737. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2016.0395

2019 Nominees

  • Artz, B., Goodall, A. H., & Oswald, A. J. (2018). Do women ask? Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 57(4), 611-636. https://doi.org/10.1111/irel.12214
  • Ashwin, S., & Isupova, O. (2018). Anatomy of a Stalled Revolution: Processes of Reproduction and Change in Russian Women’s Gender Ideologies. Gender & Society, 32(4), 441-468. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243218776309
  • Bhave, D. P., & Lefter, A. M. (2018). The other side: Occupational interactional requirements and work–home enrichment. Academy of Management Journal, 61(1), 139-164. https://doi.org/10.5465/amj.2016.0369
  • Ballakrishnen, S., Fielding-Singh, P., & Magliozzi, D. (2019). Intentional invisibility: Professional women and the navigation of workplace constraints. Sociological Perspectives, 62(1), 23-41. https://doi.org/10.1177/0731121418782185
  • Cooke, L. P., & Fuller, S. (2018). Class differences in establishment pathways to fatherhood wage premiums. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(3), 737-751. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12475
  • Chung, H., & Van der Horst, M. (2018). Women’s employment patterns after childbirth and the perceived access to and use of flexitime and teleworking. human relations, 71(1), 47-72. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726717713828
  • Kan, M. Y., & Laurie, H. (2018). Who is doing the housework in multicultural Britain? Sociology, 52(1), 55-74. https://doi.org/10.1177/0038038516674674
  • Kühhirt, M., & Klein, M. (2018). Early maternal employment and children’s vocabulary and inductive reasoning ability: A dynamic approach. Child Development, 89(2), e91-e106. https://doi.org/10.1111/cdev.12796
  • Little, L. M., Hinojosa, A. S., Paustian-Underdahl, S., & Zipay, K. P. (2018). Managing the harmful effects of unsupportive organizations during pregnancy. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103(6), 631. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/apl0000285
  • Lupu, I., Spence, C., & Empson, L. (2018). When the past comes back to haunt you: The enduring influence of upbringing on the work–family decisions of professional parents. Human Relations, 71(2), 155-181. https://doi.org/10.1177/0018726717708247
  • Maume, D. J., Hewitt, B., & Ruppanner, L. (2018). Gender equality and restless sleep among partnered Europeans. Journal of Marriage and Family, 80(4), 1040-1058. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12488
  • Müller, K. U., Neumann, M., & Wrohlich, K. (2018). The family working-time model: Towards more gender equality in work and care. Journal of European Social Policy, 28(5), 471-486. https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928717753581
  • Naved, R., Rahman, T., Willan, S., Jewkes, R., & Gibbs, A. (2018). Female garment workers’ experiences of violence in their homes and workplaces in Bangladesh: A qualitative study. Social Science & Medicine, 196, 150-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.11.040
  • Pluut, H., Ilies, R., Curşeu, P. L., & Liu, Y. (2018). Social support at work and at home: Dual-buffering effects in the work-family conflict process. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 146, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2018.02.001
  • Schmidt, E. M. (2018). Breadwinning as care? The meaning of paid work in mothers’ and fathers’ constructions of parenting. Community, Work & Family, 21(4), 445-462. https://doi.org/10.1080/13668803.2017.1318112

2018 Kanter Award

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2018 Winner

  • Aisenbrey, S., & Fasang, A. (2017). The interplay of work and family trajectories over the life course: Germany and the United States in comparison. American Journal of Sociology, 122(5), 1448-1484. https://doi.org/10.1086/691128

2018 Finalists

  • Dinh, H., Strazdins, L., & Welsh, J. (2017). Hour-glass ceilings: Work-hour thresholds, gendered health inequities. Social Science & Medicine, 176, 42-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.01.024
  • Lin, K. J., Ilies, R., Pluut, H., & Pan, S. Y. (2017). You are a helpful co-worker, but do you support your spouse? A resource-based work-family model of helping and support provision. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 138, 45-58. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.obhdp.2016.12.004
  • Ollo-López, A., & Goñi-Legaz, S. (2017). Differences in work–family conflict: Which individual and national factors explain them?. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(3), 499-525. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2015.1118141
  • Sawyer, K. B., Thoroughgood, C., & Ladge, J. (2017). Invisible families, invisible conflicts: Examining the added layer of work-family conflict for employees with LGB families. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 103, 23-39. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvb.2017.08.004

2018 Nominees

  • Blair‐Loy, M., & Cech, E. A. (2017). Demands and devotion: Cultural meanings of work and overload among women researchers and professionals in science and technology industries. Sociological Forum, 32(1), 5-27. https://doi.org/10.1111/socf.1231
  • Flynn, L. (2017). Childcare markets and maternal employment: A typology. Journal of European Social Policy, 27(3), 260-275. https://doi.org/10.1177/0958928716685689
  • Huffman, M. L., King, J., & Reichelt, M. (2017). Equality for whom? Organizational policies and the gender gap across the German earnings distribution. ILR Review, 70(1), 16-41. https://doi.org/10.1177/0019793916673974
  • Gonalons-Pons, P., & Schwartz, C. R. (2017). Trends in economic homogamy: Changes in assortative mating or the division of labor in marriage?. Demography, 54(3), 985-1005. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-017-0576-0
  • Killewald, A., & Lundberg, I. (2017). New evidence against a causal marriage wage premium. Demography, 54(3), 1007-1028. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-017-0566-2
  • Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Matthijs Bal, P., & Stollberger, J. (2017). How do flexibility i‐deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(8), 1280-1294. https://doi.org/10.1002/job.2203
  • Lu, Y., Wang, J. S. H., & Han, W. J. (2017). Women’s short-term employment trajectories following birth: Patterns, determinants, and variations by Race/ethnicity and nativity. Demography, 54(1), 93-118. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13524-016-0541-3
  • McClintock, E. A. (2017). Occupational sex composition and gendered housework performance: Compensation or conventionality?. Journal of Marriage and Family, 79(2), 475-510. https://doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12381
  • McLaughlin, H., Uggen, C., & Blackstone, A. (2017). The economic and career effects of sexual harassment on working women. Gender & Society, 31(3), 333-358. https://doi.org/10.1177/0891243217704631
  • Wilkinson, K., Tomlinson, J., & Gardiner, J. (2017). Exploring the work–life challenges and dilemmas faced by managers and professionals who live alone. Work, Employment and Society, 31(4), 640-656. https://doi.org/10.1177/0950017016677942

2017 Kanter Award

2017 Winner

  • Courtright, S. H., Gardner, R. G., Smith, T. A., McCormick, B. W., & Colbert, A. E. (2016). My family made me do it: A cross-domain, self-regulatory perspective on antecedents to abusive supervision. Academy of Management Journal, 59, 1630-1652. http://dx.doi.org/10.5465/amj.2013.1009

2017 Finalists

  • England, P., Bearak, J., Budig, M. J., & Hodges, M. J. (2016). Do highly paid, highly skilled women experience the largest motherhood penalty? American Sociological Review, 81, 1161-1189. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0003122416673598
  • Killewald, A., & García-Manglano, J. (2016). Tethered lives: A couple-based perspective on the consequences of parenthood for time use, occupation, and wages. Social Science Research, 60, 266-282. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ssresearch.2016.03.007
  • Lott, Y., & Chung, H. (2016). Gender discrepancies in the outcomes of schedule control on overtime hours and income in Germany. European Sociological Review, 32, 752-765. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcw032
  • Visser, M., Gesthuizen, M., Kraaykamp, G., & Wolbers, M. H. (2016). Inequality among older workers in the Netherlands: A life course and social stratification perspective on early retirement. European Sociological Review, 32, 370-382. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/esr/jcw013

2017 Nominees

  • Angelov, N., Johansson, P., & Lindahl, E. (2016). Parenthood and the gender gap in pay. Journal of Labor Economics, 34, 545-579. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/684851
  • Bardoel, E. A. (2016). Work–life management tensions in multinational enterprises (MNEs). The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 27, 1681-1709. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2015.1074089
  • Barnes, C. M., Lefter, A. M., Bhave, D. P., & Wagner, D. T. (2016). The benefits of bad economies: Business cycles and time-based work–life conflict. Journal of Occupational health Psychology, 21, 235. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/a0039896
  • Chávez, S., Edelblute, H. B., & Korver-Glenn, E. (2016). Life on the edge: Balancing gendered and occupational identities among unauthorized Mexican migrant roofers. Qualitative Sociology, 39, 125-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11133-016-9326-7
  • Glass, J., Simon, R. W., & Andersson, M. A. (2016). Parenthood and happiness: Effects of work-family reconciliation policies in 22 OECD countries. American Journal of Sociology, 122, 886-929. http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/688892
  • Herr, J. L. (2016). Measuring the effect of the timing of first birth on wages. Journal of Population Economics, 29, 39-72. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00148-015-0554-z
  • Kerr, S. P. (2016). Parental leave legislation and women’s work: A story of unequal opportunities. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 35, 117-144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/pam.21875
  • Killewald, A. (2016). Money, work, and marital stability: Assessing change in the gendered determinants of divorce. American Sociological Review, 81, 696-719. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0003122416655340
  • Kornrich, S., & Eger, M. A. (2016). Family life in context: Men and women’s perceptions of fairness and satisfaction across thirty countries. Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State and Society, 23, 40-69. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/sp/jxu030
  • Westrupp, E. M., Strazdins, L., Martin, A., Cooklin, A., Zubrick, S. R., & Nicholson, J. M. (2016). Maternal work–family conflict and psychological distress: Reciprocal relationships over 8 years. Journal of Marriage and Family, 78, 107-126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jomf.12262

2016 Kanter Award

2016 Winner

  • Gangl, M., & Ziefle, A. (2015). The making of a good woman: Extended parental leave entitlements and mothers’ work commitment in Germany. American Journal of Sociology, 121(2), 511-563.

View the 2016 Kanter Webinar with Markus Gangl and Andrea Ziefle

2016 Finalists

  • Little, L. M., Major, V. S., Hinojosa, A. S., & Nelson, D. L. (2015). Professional image maintenance: How women navigate pregnancy in the workplace. Academy of Management Journal, 58(1), 8-37.
  • Perales, F., Baxter, J., & Tai, T. O. (2015). Gender, justice and work: A distributive approach to perceptions of housework fairness. Social Science Research, 51, 51-63.
  • Shockley, K. M., & Allen, T. D. (2015). Deciding between work and family: An episodic approach. Personnel Psychology, 68(2), 283-318.
  • Thébaud, S. (2015). Business as plan B institutional foundations of gender inequality in entrepreneurship across 24 industrialized countries. Administrative Science Quarterly, 60(4), 671-711.

2016 Nominees

  • Bass, B. C. (2015). Preparing for parenthood? Gender, aspirations, and the reproduction of labor market inequality. Gender & Society, 29(3), 362-385.
  • Direnzo, M. S., Greenhaus, J. H., & Weer, C. H. (2015). Relationship between protean career orientation and work–life balance: A resource perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 36(4), 538-560.
  • Flood, S. M., & Moen, P. (2015). Healthy Time use in the encore years do work, resources, relations, and gender matter?. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 56(1), 74-97.
  • Gassman‐Pines, A. (2015). Effects of Mexican immigrant parents’ daily workplace discrimination on child behavior and family functioning. Child Development, 86(4), 1175-1190.
  • Maldonado, L. C., & Nieuwenhuis, R. (2015). Family policies and single parent poverty in 18 OECD countries, 1978–2008. Community, Work & Family, 18(4), 395-415.
  • Nohe, C., Meier, L. L., Sonntag, K., & Michel, A. (2015). The chicken or the egg? A meta-analysis of panel studies of the relationship between work–family conflict and strain. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100(2), 522.
  • Rønsen, M., & Kitterød, R. H. (2015). Gender-equalizing family policies and mothers’ entry into paid work: Recent evidence from Norway. Feminist Economics, 21(1), 59-89.
  • Sani, G. M. D. (2015). Within-couple inequality in earnings and the relative motherhood penalty. A cross-national study of European countries. European Sociological Review, 31(6), 667-682.
  • Warren, T. (2015). Work–life balance/imbalance: The dominance of the middle class and the neglect of the working class. The British Journal of Sociology, 66(4), 691-717.

2015 Kanter Award

2015 Winner

  • Kelly, E. L., Moen, P., Oakes, J. M., Fan, W., Okechukwu, C., Davis, K. D., Hammer, L.B., Kossek, E.E., King, R.B., Hanson, G.C., Mierzwa, F., & Casper, L.M. (2014). Changing work and work-family conflict evidence from the work, family, and health network. American Sociological Review, 79(3), 485-516.

2015 Finalists

  • Brand, J. E., & Thomas, J. S. (2014). Job displacement among single mothers: Effects on children’s outcomes in young adulthood. American Journal of Sociology, 119(4), 955.
  • Gerstel, N., & Clawson, D. (2014). Class advantage and the gender divide: Flexibility on the job and at home. American Journal of Sociology, 120(2), 395-431.
  • Offer, S. (2014). The costs of thinking about work and family: Mental labor, work–family spillover, and gender inequality among parents in dual‐earner families. Sociological Forum, 29(4), 916-936.
  • Weisshaar, K. (2014). Earnings equality and relationship stability for same-sex and heterosexual couples. Social Forces, 93(1), 93-123.

2015 Nominees

  • Ashwin, S., & Isupova, O. (2014). “Behind every great man…”: The male marriage wage premium examined qualitatively. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(1), 37-55.
  • Ciccia, Rossella, and Inge Bleijenbergh. “After the Male Breadwinner Model? Childcare Services and the Division of Labor in European Countries.” Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society 21.1 (2014): 50-79.
  • James, A. (2014). Work–life ‘balance’, recession and the gendered limits to learning and innovation (or, why it pays employers to care). Gender, Work & Organization, 21(3), 273-294.
  • Kearney, M. S., & Levine, P. B. (2014). Income inequality and early nonmarital childbearing. Journal of Human Resources, 49(1), 1-31.
  • Kmec, J. A., & Skaggs, S. L. (2014). The “state” of equal employment opportunity law and managerial gender diversity. Social Problems, 61(4), 530-558.
  • Lawson, K. M., Davis, K. D., McHale, S. M., Hammer, L. B., & Buxton, O. M. (2014). Daily positive spillover and crossover from mothers’ work to youth health. Journal of Family Psychology, 28(6), 897.
  • Matthews, R. A., Wayne, J. H., & Ford, M. T. (2014). A work–family conflict/subjective well-being process model: A test of competing theories of longitudinal effects. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99(6), 1173.
  • Maume, D.J., Rubin, B.A., & Brody, C.J.. (2014) “Race, management citizenship behavior, and employees’ commitment and well-being.” American Behavioral Scientist, 58(2), 309-330.
  • Proulx, C., & Le Bourdais, C. (2014). Impact of providing care on the risk of leaving employment in Canada. Canadian Journal on Aging/La Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 33(04), 488-503.
  • van Steenbergen, E. F., Kluwer, E. S., & Karney, B. R. (2014). Work–family enrichment, work–family conflict, and marital satisfaction: A dyadic analysis. Journal of occupational health psychology, 19(2), 182.
  • Sweet, S., Besen, E., Pitt-Catsouphes, M., & McNamara, T. K. (2014). Do options for job flexibility diminish in times of economic uncertainty?. Work, Employment & Society, 28(6), 882-903.

2014 Kanter Award

2014 Winner

  • den Dulk, L. et al. (2013). National context in work-life research: A multi-level cross-national analysis of the adoption of workplace work-life arrangements in Europe. European Management Journal, 31, 478-494. dendulk@fsw.eur.nl

2014 Finalists

  • Berdahl, J. & Moon, S.H. (2013). Workplace mistreatment of middle class workers based on sex, parenthood, and caregiving. Journal of Social Issues, 69(2), 341-366. jberdahl@rotman.utoronto.ca
  • Cook, L.P. et al. (2013). Labor and Love: Wives’ employment and divorce risk in its socio-political context. Social Politics, 20(4), 482-509. I.p.cooke@bath.ac.uk
  • Korpi, W., Ferrarini, T., & Englund, S. (2013). Women’s opportunities under different family policy constellations: Gender, class, and inequality tradeoffs in western countries re-examined. Social Politics, 20(1), 1-40. walter.korpi@sofi.su.se
  • Yetis-Bayraktar, A., Budig, M., & Tomaskovic-Devey, D. (2013). From the shop floor to the kitchen floor: Maternal occupational complexity and children’s reading and math skills. Work and Occupations. 40(1), 37-64.

2014 Nominees

  • Dunifon, R. et al. (2013). Mothers’ night work and children’s behavior problems. Developmental Psychology, 49(10), 1874-1885. red26@cornell.edu
  • Gronlund, A. & Magnusson, C. (2013). Devaluation, crowding or skill specificity? Exploring the mechanisms behind lower wages in female professions. Social Science Research, 42(4), 1006-1017. anne.gronlund@soc.umu.se
  • Hersch, J. (2013). Opting out among women with elite education. Review of Economics of the Household, 11(4), 469-506. joni.hersch@vanderbilt.edu
  • Ho, M .Y. et al. (2013). A Dyadic Model of the Work- Family Interface: A Study of Dual-Earner Couples in China. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 18(1), 53-63. myho@psy.cuhk.edu.hk
  • Moen, P., Fan W., & Kelly, E.L. (2013). Team-level flexibility, work-home spillover, and health behavior. Social Science & Medicine, 84, 69-79. phylmoen@umn.edu
  • Moen, P., et al. (2013). Time work by overworked professionals: Strategies in response to the stress of higher status. Work and Occupations, 40(2), 79-114. phylmoen@umn.edu
  • Smith, N., Smith V., & Verner, M. (2013). Why are so few females promoted into CEO and vice president positions? Danish empirical evidence, 1997-2007. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 66(2), 380-408. nsmith@econ.au.dk
  • Trefalt, S. et al. (2013). Work-life experiences in rapidly changing national contexts: Structural misalignment, comparisons and choice overload as explanatory mechanisms. European Management Journal, 31 (5), 448-463. mateja.drnpysek@ef.uni-lj.si
  • Young, M. & Wheaton, B. (2013). The impact of neighborhood composition on work-family conflict and distress. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 54(4), 481-497. myoung@mcmaster.ca

2013 Kanter Award

2013 Winner

  • Konrad, A.M., & Yang, Y. (2012). Is using work-life interface benefits a career-limiting move? An examination of women, men, lone parents, and parents with partners. Journal of Organizational Behavior 33, 1095-1119.

2013 Finalists

  • Abendroth, A.K., van der Lippe, T., & Maas, I. (2012). Social support and the working hours of employed mothers in Europe: The relevance of the state, the workplace, and the family. Social Science Research 41, 581-597.
  • Crocker, J. & Clawson, D. (2012). Buying time: Gendered patterns in union contracts. Social Problems 59(4), 459-480.
  • Glavin, P., & Schieman, S. (2012). Work-Family role blurring and work-family conflict: The moderating influence of job resources and job demands. Work and Occupations 39(1), 71-98.
  • Kramer Holmes, E., Jacob Erickson, J., & Hill, E.J. (2012). Doing what she thinks is best: Maternal psychological wellbeing and attaining desired work situations. Human Relations 65(4), 501-522.
  • Leslie L.M., Flaherty Manchester C., Park T.Y., & Mehng, S.A. (2012). Flexible work practices: A source of career premiums or penalties? Academy of Management Journal 55(6), 1407-1428.
  • Miller, P. (2012). Do Australian teenagers work? Why we should care. Feminist Economics 18(4), 1-24.

2013 Nominees

  • Reynolds, J., & Johnson, D. (2012). Don’t blame the babies: Work hour mismatches and the role of children. Social Forces 91(1)
  • Somech, A., & Drach-Zahavy, A. (2012). Coping with work-family conflict: The reciprocal and additive contributions of personal coping and organizational family-friendly support. Work & Stress: An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations 26(1), 68-90.
  • Sonnentag, S., & Grant, A. (2012). Doing good at work feels good at home, but not right away: When and why perceived prosocial impact predicts positive affect. Personnel Psychology 65, 495-530.

2012 Kanter Award

2012 Winner

  • Sayer, L.C., England, P., Allison, P.D., & Kangas, K. (2011). She Left, He Left: How Employment and Satisfaction Affect Women’s and Men’s Decisions to Leave Marriages. American Journal of Sociology 116:6, 1982-2018.

2012 Finalists

  • Greenman, E. (2011). Asian American–White Differences in the Effect of Motherhood on Career Outcomes. Work and Occupations 38(1), 37–67.
  • Hammer, L.B., Kossek, E.E., Anger, W.K., Bodner, T., & Zimmerman, K.L. (2011). Clarifying Work–Family Intervention Processes: The Roles of Work–Family Conflict and Family-Supportive Supervisor Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology 96(1): 134–150.
  • Kotsadam, A. & Finseraas, H. (2011). The state intervenes in the battle of the sexes: Causal effects of paternity leave. Social Science Research 40, 1611–1622.
  • Hadas, M. (2011). Rethinking the paradox: tradeoffs in work-family policy and patterns of gender inequality. Community, Work & Family 14:2, 159-176.
  • Petersen, T., Penner, A., & Hogsnes, G. (2011). “The Male Marital Wage Premium: Sorting Versus Differential Pay,” Industrial & Labor Relations Review 64:2, article 4, 283-304.

2012 Nominees

  • Chuang, Y., Church, R., & Ophir, R. (2011). Taking Sides: The Interactive Influences of Institutional Mechanisms on the Adoption of Same-Sex Partner Health Benefits by Fortune 500 Corporations, 1990–2003. Organization Science 22(1), 190–209.
  • Gassman-Pines, A. (2011). Associations of Low-Income Working Mothers’ Daily Interactions With Supervisors and Mother-Child Interactions. Journal of Marriage and Family 73: 77-76.
  • Schieman, S., & Young, M. (2011). Economic Hardship and Family-to-Work Conflict: The Importance of Gender and Work Conditions. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 32: 46–61.
  • Wheeler, L.A., Updegraff, K.A., & Crouter, A. (2011). Work and Mexican American Parent–Adolescent Relationships: The Mediating Role of Parent Well-Being. Journal of Family Psychology 25(1): 107–116.

2011 Kanter Award

2011 Winner

  • Hodges, M.J. & Budig, M.J. (2010). Who Gets the Daddy Bonus? : Organizational Hegemonic Masculinity and the Impact of Fatherhood on Earnings. Gender & Society 24(6), 717-745.

2011 Finalists

  • Cooke, L.P. & Gash, V. (2010). Wives’ Part-time Employment and Marital Stability in Great Britain, West Germany and the United States. Sociology 44(6), 1091–1108.
  • Lively, K.J., Steelman, L.C., & Powell, B. (2010). Equity, Emotion, and Household Division of Labor. Social Psychology Quarterly 73 (4), 358–379.
  • Mills, M. & Aht, K. (2010). Nonstandard Work Schedules and Partnership Quality: Quantitative and Qualitative Findings. Journal of Marriage and Family 72, 860 – 875.
  • Napier, J.L., Thorisdottir, H. & Jost, J.T. (2009). The Joy of Sexism? A Multinational Investigation of Hostile and Benevolent Justifications for Gender Inequality and Their Relations to Subjective Well-Being. Sex Roles 6, 405–419.
  • Powell, G.N., & Greenhaus, J.H. (2010). Sex, Gender, and the work-to-family interface: Exploring negative and positive interdependencies. Academy of Management Journal 53(3), 513–534.

2011 Nominees

  • Cha, Y. (2010). Reinforcing Separate Spheres: The Effect of Spousal Overwork on Men’s and Women’s Employment in Dual-Earner Households. American Sociological Review 75(2), 303-329.
  • Coursolle, K.M., Sweeney, M.M., Raymo, J.M., & Ho, J. (2010). The Association Between Retirement and Emotional Well-being: Does Prior Work–Family Conflict Matter? Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences 65B(5), 609–620.
  • Davis, S. (2010). Is justice contextual? Married women’s perspectives of fairness of the division of household labor in 12 nations. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 41(1), 19-39.
  • Pleau, R.L. (2010). Gender Differences in Postretirement Employment. Research on Aging 32(3), 267-303.
  • Schieman, S. & Young, M. (2010). The demands of creative work: Implications for stress in the work-family interface. Social Science Research, 39, 246-259.

2010 Kanter Award

2010 Winner

  • Kreiner, G., Hollensbe, E., & Sheep, M.(2009). Balancing Borders and Bridges: Negotiating the Work-Home Interface via Boundary Work Tactics. Academy of Management Journal 52(4), 704–730.

2010 Finalists

  • Blair-Loy, M.(2009). Work Without End? Scheduling Flexibility and Work-to-Family Conflict Among Stockbrokers. Work and Occupations 36(4), 279–317.
  • Gangl, M., & Zeifle, A.(2009). Motherhood, Labor Force Behavior, and Women’s Careers: An Empirical Assessment of the Wage Penalty for Motherhood in Britain, Germany and the United States. Demography 46(2), 341-369.
  • Halbesleben, J., Harvey, J., & Bolino, M.(2009). Too Engaged? A Conservation of Resources View of the Relationship Between Work Engagement and Work Interference With Family. Journal of Applied Psychology 94(6), 1452–1465.
  • Hoobler, J., Wayne, S., & Lemmon, G.(2009). Bosses’ Perceptions of Family-Work Conflict and Women’s Promotability: Glass Ceiling Effects. Academy of Management Journal 52(5), 939–957.
  • Russell, H., O’Connell, P., & McGinnity, F.(2009). The Impact of Flexible Working Arrangements on Work–life Conflict and Work Pressure in Ireland. Gender, Work and Organization 16(1), 74-94.

2010 Nominees

  • Aisenbrey, S., Evertsson, M., & Grunow, D.(2009). Is There a Career Penalty for Mothers’ Time Out? A Comparison of Germany, Sweden and the United States. Social Forces 88(2), 573–606.
  • Bowman, J. & Cole, A.(2009). Do Working Mothers Oppress Other Women? The Swedish “Maid Debate” and the Welfare State Politics of Gender Equality. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 35(1), 157-184.
  • Campos, B., Graesch, A., Repetti, R., Bradbury, T., & Ochs, E. (2009). Opportunity for Interaction? A Naturalistic Observation Study of Dual-Earner Families After Work and School. Journal of Family Psychology 23(6), 798–807.
  • Carlson, D., Grzywacz, J., & Zivnuska, S.(2009). Is Work–Family Balance More Than Conflict and Enrichment? Human Relations 62(10), 1459–1486.
  • Dearing, E., McCartney, K., & Taylor, B.(2009). Does Higher Quality Early Child Care Promote Low-Income Children’s Math and Reading Achievement in Middle Childhood? Child Development 80(5), 1329–1349.
  • DeMarco, A., Crouter, A., & Vernon-Feagans, L.(2009). The Relationship of Maternal Work Characteristics to Childcare Type and Quality in Rural Communities. Community, Work & Family 12(4), 369-387.
  • Fertig, A., Glomm, G., & Tchernis, R.(2009). The Connection Between Maternal Employment and Childhood Obesity: Inspecting the Mechanisms. Review of Economics of the Household 7, 227–255.
  • Greenstein, T.(2009). National Context, Family Satisfaction, and Fairness in the Division of Household Labor. Journal of Marriage and Family 71, 1039 – 1051.
  • Michel, J., Mitchelson, J., Kotrba, L., LeBreton, J., & Baltes, B.(2009). A Comparative Test of Work-Family Conflict Models and Critical Examination of Work-Family Linkages. Journal of Vocational Behavior 74, 199–218.
  • Sayer, L., England, P., Bittman, M., & Bianchi, S.(2009). How Long Is the Second (Plus First) Shift? Gender Differences in Paid, Unpaid, and Total Work Time in Australia and the United States. Journal of Comparative Family Studies 40(4), 524-545.
  • Seitz, S.(2009). Accounting for Racial Differences in Marriage and Employment. Journal of Labor Economics 27(3) 385-437.
  • Sherman, J.(2009). Bend to Avoid Breaking: Job Loss, Gender Norms, and Family Stability in Rural America. Social Problems 56(4), 599–620.
  • Shows, C. & Gerstel, N.(2009). Fathering, Class, and Gender: A Comparison of Physicians and Emergency Medical Technicians. Gender & Society 23(2), 161-187.
  • Van Steenbergen, E. & Ellemers, N.(2009). Is Managing the Work–Family Interface Worthwhile? Benefits for Employee Health and Performance. Journal of Organizational Behavior 30, 617–642.

2009 Kanter Award

2009 Winner

  • Pixley, J.E. (2008). Life course patterns of career-prioritizing decisions and occupational attainment in dual-earner couples. Work and Occupations, 35, 127-163.

2009 Finalists

  • King, E.B. (2008). The effects of bias on the advancement of working mothers: Disentangling legitimate concerns from inaccurate stereotypes as predictors of advancement in academe. Human Relations, 61, 1677-1711.
  • Song, Z., Foo, M., & Uy, M.A. (2008). Mood spillover and crossover among dual-earner couples: A c phone event sampling study. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 443-452.
  • Webber, G. & Williams C. (2008). Mothers in “good” and “bad” part-time jobs: Different problems, same results. Gender & Society, 22, 752-777.

2009 Nominees

  • Bardasi, E. & Gornick, J.C. (2008). Working for less? Women’s part-time wage penalties across countries. Feminist Economics, 14, 37-72.
  • Davis, K.D., Goodman, W.B., Pirretti, A.E. & Almeida, D.M. (2008). Nonstandard work schedules, perceived family well-being, and daily stressors. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70, 991-1003.
  • Diamond, L.M., Hicks, A.M. & Otter-Henderson, K.D. (2008). Every time you go away: Changes in affect, behavior, and physiology associated with travel-related separation from romantic partners. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 385-403.
  • Dierdorff, E. C. & Ellington, J.K. (2008). It’s the Nature of the Work: Examining behavior-based sources of work-family conflict across occupations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 883-892.
  • Ezzedeen, S.R. & Ritchey, K.G. (2008). The man behind the woman: A qualitative study of spousal support received and valued by executive women. Journal of Family, 29, 1107-1135.
  • Fagan, J. & Press, J. (2008). Father influences on employed mothers’ work-family balance. Journal of Family Issues, 29, 1136-1160. Fuller, S. (2008). Job mobility and wage trajectories for men and women in the United States. American Sociological Review, 73, 158-183.
  • Schultz-Lee, K., & Ono, H., (2008). Specialization and happiness in marriage: A U.S.-Japan comparison. Social Science Research, 37, 1216-1234.
  • Lincoln, A.E. (2008). Gender, productivity, and the marital wage premium. Journal of Marriage and Family, 70, 806-814.
  • Lleras, C. (2008). Employment, work conditions, and the home environment in single-mother families. Journal of Family, 29, 1268-1297.
  • Lyness, K.S. & Judiesch, M.K. (2008). Can a Manager Have a life and a career? International and multisource perspectives on work-life balance and career advancement potential. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93, 789-805.
  • Moen, P., Kelly, E., & Huang, Q. (2008). Work, family and life-course fit: Does control over work time matter? Journal of Vocational Behavior 73, 414-425.
  • Schieman, S. & Glavin, P. (2008). Trouble at the border?: Gender, flexibility at work, and the work-home interface. Social Problems, 55, 590-611.
  • Seery, B.L., Corrigall, E.A., & Harpel, T. (2008). Job-related emotional labor and its relationship to work-family conflict and facilitation. Journal Family Economics, 29, 461-477.
  • van Steenbergen, E.F., Ellemer, N., Haslam, S.A., & Urlings, F., (2008). There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so: Informational support and cognitive appraisal of the work-family interface. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 81, 349-367.
  • Stolzenberg, R.M. & Williams, K. (2008). Gender reciprocity: Work discontent and the household production of health. Social Science Research, 37, 180-201.

2008 Kanter Award

2008 Winner

  • Correll, S.J., Benard, S., & Piak, I. (2007). Getting a job: Is there a motherhood penalty? American Journal of Sociology, 112, 1297-1338.

2008 Finalists

  • Casper, W.J., Weltman, D., & Kwesiga, E. (2007). Beyond family-friendly: The construct and measurement of singles-friendly work culture. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 70, 478-501.
  • Ilies, R., Schwind, M., Wagner, D. T., Johnson, M., DeRue, D.S., & Ilgen, D.R. (2007). When can employees have a family life? The effects of daily workload and affect on work-family conflict and social behaviors at home. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1368-1379.
  • Misra, J., Moller, S., & Budig, M. (2007). Work-family policies and pov¬erty for partnered and single women in Europe and North America. Gender & Society, 21, 804-827.
  • Premeaux, S.F., Adkins, C. L., & Mossholder, K.W. (2007). Balancing work and family: A field study of multi-dimensional, multi-role work-family conflict. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 28, 705-727.
  • Villarreal, A. (2007). Women’s employment status, coercive control, and intimate partner violence in Mexico. Journal of Marriage and Family, 69, 418-434.

2008 Nominees

  • Allard, K., Haas, L., & Hwang, C.P. (2007). Exploring the paradox: Experiences of flexible working arrangements and work-family con¬flict among managerial fathers in Sweden. Community, Work and Family, 10, 475-493.
  • Amilon, A. (2007). On the sharing of temporary parental leave: the case of Sweden. Review of Economics of the Household, 5, 385-404.
  • Burchinal, M.R., & Clarke-Stewart, K.A. (2007). Maternal employment and child cognitive outcomes: The importance of analytic approach. Developmental Psychology, 43, 1140-1155.
  • Cohen, P.N & Huffman, M.L. (2007). Working for woman? Female managers and the gender wage gap. American Sociological Review, 72, 681-704.
  • Cullen, J.C. & Hammer, L.B. (2007). Developing and testing a theoretical model linking work-family conflict to employee safety. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12, 266-278.
  • Ford, M.T., Heinan, B.A., & Langkamer, K.L. (2007). Work and family satisfaction and conflict: A meta-analysis of cross-domain relations. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 57-80.
  • Fuwa, M., & Cohen, P.N. (2007). Housework and social policy. Social Science Research, 36, 512-530.
  • Gryzywacz, J.G., Arcury, T.A., Marín, A., Carrillo, L., Burke, B., Coates, M.L., & Quandt, S.A. (2007). Work-family conflict: Experiences and health implications among immigrant Latinos. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 1119-1130.
  • Kaushal, N., Gao, Q., & Waldfogel, J. (2007). Welfare reform and family expenditures: How are single mothers adapting to the new welfare and work regime? Social Service Review 81:3, 369-396.
  • Rothman, E.F., Hathaway, J., Stidsen, A., & de Vries, H.F. (2007). How employment helps female victims of intimate partner violence: A qualitative study. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 12, 136-143.
  • Schoen, R., Landale, N.S., & Daniels, K. (2007). Family transitions in young adulthood. Demography, 44, 807-820.
  • Song, Y. (2007). The working spouse penalty/premium and married women’s labor supply. Review of Economics of the Household, 5, 279-304.
  • Spector, P.E., Allen, T.D., Poelmans, S.A., Lapierre, L.M., Cooper, C.L., O’Driscoll, M., et al. (2007). Cross-national differences in relation¬ships of work demands, job satisfaction, and turnover intentions with work-family conflict. Personnel Psychology, 60, 805-835.
  • Wang, P. & Walumbwa, F.O (2007). Family-friendly programs, organizational commitment, and work withdrawal: The moderating role of transformational leadership. Personnel Psychology, 60, 397-427.

2007 Winner

  • Reynolds, J., & Aletraris, L. (2006). Pursuing preferences: The creation and resolution of work hour mismatches. American Sociological Review, 71, 618-638.

2007 Finalists

  • Carlson, D.S., Kacmar, K.M, Wayne, J.K., & Grzywacz, J.G. (2006). Measuring the positive side of the work-family interface: Development and validation of a work-family enrichment scale. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 131-164.
  • Matthews, R.A., Del Priore, R.E., Acitelli, L.K., & Barnes-Farrell, J.L. (2006). Work-to-relationship conflict: Crossover effects in dual-earner couples. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 228-240.
  • Press, J., Fagan, J., & Bernd, E. (2006). Child care, work and depressive symptoms among low-income mothers. Journal of Family Issues, 27, 609-362.
  • Witt, L.A., & Carlson, D.S. (2006). The work-family interface and job performance: Moderating effects of conscientiousness and perceived organizational support. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 343-357.

2007 Nominees

  • Chesley, N. & Moen, P. (2006). When workers care: Dual-earner couples’ caregiving strategies, benefit use, and psychological well-being. American Behavioral Scientist, 49, 1248-1269.
  • Cooke, L.P. (2006). Bargaining and risk of divorce in Germany and the United States. American Journal of Sociology, 112, 442-72.
  • Craig, L. (2006). Parental education, time in paid work and time with children: An Australian time-diary analysis. The British Journal of Sociology, 57, 553-575.
  • Crouter, A.C., Davis, K.D., Updegraff, K., Delgado, M., & Fortner, M. (2006). Mexican American fathers’ occupational conditions: Links to family members’ psychological adjustment. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68, 843-858.
  • Haines, V.Y., Marchand, A., & Harvey, S. (2006). Crossover of workplace aggression experiences in dual-earner couples. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 11, 305-314.
  • Johnston, D.D., & Swanson, D.H. (2006). Constructing the “good mother”: The experience of mothering ideologies by work status. Sex Roles, 54, 509-519.
  • Jurges, H. (2006). Gender ideology, division of housework, and the geographic mobility of families. Review of Economics of the Household, 4, 299-323.
  • Lee, K.S. (2006). Gender beliefs and the meaning of work among Okinawan women. Gender & Society, 20, 382-401.
  • Lyle, D.S. (2006). Using military deployments and job assignments to estimate the effect of parental absences and household relocations on children’s academic achievement. Journal of Labor Economics, 24, 319-350.
  • Mandel, H., & Semyonov, M. (2006). A welfare state paradox: State interventions and women’s employment opportunities in 22 countries. American Journal of Sociology, 111, 1910-1949.
  • Mattingly, M.J., & Sayer, L.C. (2006). Under pressure: Gender differences in the relationship between free time and feeling rushed. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68, 205-221.
  • Maume, D. (2006). Gender differences in restricting work efforts because of family responsibilities. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68, 859-869.
  • Pavalko, E.K., & Henderson, K.A. (2006). Combining care work and paid work: Do workplace policies make a difference. Research on Aging, 28, 359-374.
  • Strazdins, L., Clements, M.S., Korda, R.J., Broom, D.H., & D’Souza, R.M. (2006). Unsociable Work? Nonstandard work schedules, family relationships, and children’s well-being. Journal of Marriage and Family, 68, 394-410.
  • Van Hooff, M.L., Geurts, S.A., Kompier, M.A., & Taris, T.W. (2006). Work-home interference: How does it manifest itself from day to day? Work & Stress, 20, 145-162.

2006 Kanter Award

2006 Winner

  • Mandel, H., & Semyonov, M. (2005). Family policies, wage structures, and gender gaps: Sources of earnings inequality in 20 countries. American Sociological Review, 70, 949-967.

2006 Finalists

  • Huston, A.C., & Aronson, S.R. (2005). Mothers’ time with infant and time in employment as predictors of mother-child relationships and children’s early development. Child Development, 76, 467-482.
  • Johnson, M.K. (2005). Family roles and work values: Processes of selection and change. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 352-369.
  • Nomaguchi, K.M., Milkie, M.A., & Bianchi, S.M. (2005). Time strains and psychological well-being: Do dual-earner mothers and fathers differ? Journal of Family Issues, 26, 756-792.
  • Pettit, B., & Hook, J. (2005). The structure of women’s employment in comparative perspective. Social Forces, 84, 779-800.

2006 Nominees

  • Challiol, H., & Mignonac, K. (2005). Relocation decision-making and couple relationships: A quantitative and qualitative study of dual-earner couples. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 247-274.
  • Chesley, N. (2005). Blurring boundaries? Linking technology use, spillover, individual distress and family satisfaction. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 1237-1248.
  • Erickson, R. J. (2005). Why emotion work matters: Sex, gender, and the division of household labor. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 337-351.
  • Hammer, L.B., Cullen, J.C., Neal, M.B., Sinclair, R.R., & Shafiro, M.V. (2005). The longitudinal effects of work-family conflict and positive spillover on depressive symptoms among dual-earner couples. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 138-154.
  • Hynes, K., & Clarkberg, M. (2005). Women’s employment patterns during early parenthood: A group-based trajectory analysis. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 222-239.
  • Mauno, S., Kinnunen, U., & Pyykko, M. (2005). Does work-family conflict mediate the relationship between work-family culture and self-reported distress? Evidence from five Finnish organizations. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 78, 509-530.
  • Parrado, E.A., & Flippen, C.A. (2005). Migration and gender among Mexican women. American Sociological Review, 70, 606-632.
  • Rothbard, N.P., Philips, K.W., & Dumas, T.L. (2005). Managing multiple roles: Work-family policies and individuals’ desires for segmentation. Organization Science, 16, 243-258.
  • Roxburgh, S. (2005). Parenting strains, distress, and family paid labor: A modification of the cost-of-caring hypothesis. Journal of Family Issues, 26, 1062-1081.
  • Roy, K.M. (2005). Transitions on the margins of work and family life for low-income African-American fathers. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 26, 77-100.
  • Scott, E.K., London, A.S., & Hurst, A. (2005). Instability in patchworks of child care when moving from welfare to work. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67, 370-386.
  • Schone, P. (2005). The effect of a family policy reform on mother’s pay: A natural experiment approach. Review of the Economics of the Household, 3, 145-170.
  • Siegel, P.A., Post, C., Brockner, J., Fishman, A.Y., & Garden, C. (2005). The moderating influence of procedural fairness on the relationship between work-life conflict and organizational commitment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 90, 13-24.
  • Sonnentag, S., & Bayer, U. (2005). Switching off mentally: Predictors and consequences of psychological detachment from work during off-job time. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 10, 393-414.
  • Stavrou, E.T. (2005). Flexible work bundles and organizational competitiveness: A cross-national study of the European work context. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 923-947.

2005 Kanter Award

2005 Winner

  • Sarkisian, N. & Gerstel, N. (2004). Explaining the gender gap in help to parents: The importance of employment. Journal of Marriage and Family, 66, 431-451.

2005 Finalists

  • Budd, J.W. & Mumford, K. (2004). Trade unions and family-friendly policies in Great Britain. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 57(2), 204-222.
  • Connelly, R., Degraff, D. S., & Willis, R. A. (2004). The value of employer sponsored child-care to employees. Industrial Relations, 43(4), 759-792.
  • Judge, T. A. & Colquitt, J. A. (2004). Organizational justice & stress: The mediating role of work-family conflict. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(3), 395-404.
  • Westman, M., Hamilton, V. L., Vinokur, A. D., & Roziner, I. (2004). Crossover of marital dissatisfaction during military downsizing among Russian army officers and their spouses. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(5), 769-779.

2005 Nominees

  • Berger, L. M. and Waldfogel, J. (2004). Maternity leave and the employment of new mothers in the United States. Journal of Population Economics, 17, 331-349.
  • Glass, J. (2004). Blessing or curse? Work-family policies and mother’s wage growth over time. Work and Occupations, 31(3), 367-394.
  • Hammer, T. H., Saksvik, P. O., Nytrø, K., Torvatn, H., & Bayazit, M. (2004). Expanding the psychosocial work environment: Workplace norms and work-family conflict as correlates of stress and health. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 9(1), 83-97.
  • Johnson, R. W. & Favreault, M. M. (2004). Economic status in later life among women who raised children outside of marriage. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 59B(6), S315-S323.
  • Kinnunen, U., Geurts, S., & Mauno, S. (2004). Work-to-family conflict and its relationship with satisfaction and well-being: a one-year longitudinal study on gender differences. Work & Stress, 18(1), 1-22.
  • Peeters, M. C. W., de Jonge, J., Janssen, P. P. M., & van der Linden, S. Work-home interference, job stressors, and employee health in a longitudinal perspective. International Journal of Stress Management, 11(4), 305-322.
  • Reynolds, J. (2004). When too much is not enough: Actual and preferred work hours in the United States and abroad. Sociological Forum, 19(1), 89-120.
  • Roxburgh, S. (2004). ‘There just aren’t enough hours in the day’: The mental health consequences of time pressure. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 45, 115-131.
  • Roy, K. M., Tubbs, C. Y., & Burton, L. M. (2004). Don’t have no time: Daily rhythms and the organization of time for low-income families. Family Relations, 53, 168-178.
  • Sayer, L. C., Bianchi, S. M., & Robinson, J. P. (2004). Are parents investing less in children? Trends in mothers’ and fathers’ time with children. American Journal of Sociology, 110(1), 1-43.
  • Spector, P. E., Cooper, C. L., Poelmans, S., Allen, T. D., O’Driscoll, M., Sanchez, J. I., et al. (2004). A cross-national comparative study of work-family stressors, working hours, and well-being: China and Latin America versus the Anglo world. Personnel Psychology, 57, 119-142.
  • Swanberg, J. (2004). Illuminating gendered organization assumptions. An important step in creating a family-friendly organization: a case study. Community, Work & Family, 7(1), 3-28.
  • Voydanoff, P. (2004). The effects of work and community resources and demands on family integration. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 25(1), 7-23.
  • Voydanoff, P. (2004). Implications of work and community demands and resources for work-to-family conflict and facilitation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 9(4), 275-285.
  • Voydanoff, P. (2004). Implications of work and community resources and demands for marriage quality. Community, Work, and Family, 7(3), 311-325.

2004 Kanter Award

2004 Winner

  • Mattingly, M. J., & Bianchi, S. M. (2003). Gender differences in the quantity and quality free time: the U.S. experience. Social Forces, 81(3), 999-1030.

2004 Finalists

  • Bittman, M., England, P., Folbre, N., Sayer, L., & Matheson, G. (2003). When does gender trump money? Bargaining and time in household work. American Journal of Sociology, 109(1), 186-214.
  • Dominguez, S. & Watkins, C. (2003). Creating networks for survival and mobility: Social capital among African American and Latin American low-income mothers. Social Problems, 50(1), 111-135.
  • Rogers, S. J. & May, D. C. (2003). Spillover between marital quality and job satisfaction: long-term patterns and gender differences. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 482-495.
  • Rothbard, N. P. & Edwards, J. R. (2003). Investment in work and family roles: A test of identity and utilitarian motives. Personnel Psychology, 56(3), 699-730.

2004 Nominees

  • Anderson, D. J., Binder, M., & Krause, K. (2003). The motherhood wage penalty revisited: experience, heterogeneity, work effort, and work-schedule flexibility. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 56(2), 273-294.
  • Arthur, M. M. (2003). Share price reactions to work-family initiatives: an institutional perspective. Academy of Management Journal, 46(4), 497-505.
  • Avellar, S. & Smock, P. J. (2003). Has the price of motherhood declined over time? A cross-cohort comparison of the motherhood wage penalty. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 597-607.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., Collins, K. M., & Shaw, J. D. (2003). The relation between work-family balance and quality of life. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 63(3), 510-531.
  • Grzywacz, J. G. & Bass, B. L. (2003). Work, family, and mental health: testing different models of work-family fit. Journal of Marriage and Family, 65, 248-262.
  • Haney, L. & March, M. (2003). Married fathers and caring daddies: welfare reform and discursive politics of paternity. Social Problems, 50(4), 461-481.
  • Kelly, E. L. (2003). The strange history of employer-sponsored child care: Interested actors, uncertainty, and the transformation of law in organizational fields. American Journal of Sociology, 109(3), 606-649.
  • Newman, K. S. & Chin, M. M. (2003). High stakes: time poverty, testing, and the children of the working poor. Qualitative Sociology, 26(1), 3-34.
  • Ondrich, J., Spiess, C. K., Yang, Q., & Wagner, G. G. (2003). The liberalization of maternity leave policy and the return to work after childbirth in Germany. Review of Economics of the Household, 1, 77-110.
  • Pratt, M. G. & Rosa, J. A. (2003). Transforming work-family conflict into commitment in the network marketing organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 46(4), 395-418.
    Stier, H. & Lewin-Epstein, N. (2003). Time to work: A comparative analysis of preferences for working hours. Work and Occupations, 30(3), 302-326.
  • Ward-Griffin, C. & Marshall, V. W. (2003). Reconceptualizing the relationship between “public” and “private” eldercare. Journal of Aging Studies, 17, 189-208.
  • Williamson, J. B. & McNamara, T. K. (2003). Interrupted trajectories and labor force participation. Research On Aging, 25(2), 87-121.
  • Willson, A. E. (2003). Race and women’s income trajectories: Employment, marriage, and income security over the life course. Social Problems, 50(1), 87-110.
  • Wood, S. J., De Menezes, L., & Lasaosa, A. (2003). Family-friendly management in Great Britain: testing various perspectives. Industrial Relations, 42(2), 221-250.

2003 Kanter Award

2003 Winner

  • Budig, M. J. (2002). Male advantage and the gender composition of jobs: Who rides the glass escalator? Social Problems, 49(2).

2003 Finalists

  • Anderson, S. E., Coffey, B. S., & Byerly, R. T. (2002). Formal organizational initiatives and informal workplace practices: Links to work-family conflict and job-related outcomes. Journal of Management, 28(6).
  • England, P., Budig, M., & Folbre, N. (2002). Wages of virtue: the relative pay of care work. Social Problems, 49(4), 455-473.
  • Haas, L., Allard, K., & Hwang, P. (2002). The impact of organizational culture on men’s use of parental leave in Sweden. Community, Work & Family, 5(3).
  • Melzer, S. A. (2002). Gender, work, and intimate violence: men’s occupational violence spillover and compensatory violence. Journal of Marriage and Family, 64, 820-832.
  • Mennino, S. F. & Brayfield, A. (2002). Job-family trade-offs: the multidimensional effects of gender. Work and Occupations, 29(2), 226-256.

2003 Nominees

  • Abroms, L.C. & Goldscheider, F. K. (2002). More work for mothers: how spouses, cohabitating partners and relatives affect the hours mothers work. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 23(2).
  • Behson, S. J. (2002). Coping with family-to-work conflict: the role of informal work accommodations to family. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 7(4).
  • Behson, S. J. (2002). Which dominates? The relative importance of work-family organizational support and general organizational context on employee outcomes. Journal of Vocational Behavior 61, 53-72.
  • Blair-Loy, M. & Wharton, A. S. (2002). Employees’ use of work-family policies and the workplace social context. Social Forces, 80(3).
  • Brandth, B. & Kvande, E. (2002). Reflexive fathers: negotiating parental leave and working life. Gender, Work and Organization, 9(2).
  • Cohen, P. N. (2002). Cohabitation and the declining marriage premium for men. Work and Occupations, 29(3).
  • Dentinger, E. & Clarkberg, M. (2002). Informal caregiving and retirement timing among men and women. Journal of Family Issues, 23(7).
  • Grzywacz, J. G., Almeida, D. M., & McDonald, D. A. (2002). Work-family spillover and daily reports of work and family stress in the adult labor force. Family Relations 51, 28-36.
  • Hakim, C. (2002). Lifestyle preference as determinants of women’s differentiated labor market careers. Work and Occupations, 29(4), 428-459.
  • Lee, M. D., MacDermid, S. M., Williams, M. L., Buck, M. L., & Leiba-O’Sullivan, S. (2002). Contextual factors in the success of reduced-load work arrangements among managers and professionals. Human Resource Management, 41(2), 209-203.
  • Major, V. S., Klein, K. J. & Ehrhart, M. G. (2002). Work time, work interference with family, and psychological distress. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(3), 427-436.
  • Schoen, R., Astone, N. M., Rothert, K., Standish, N. J., & Kim, Y. J. (2002). Women’s employment, marital happiness, and divorce. Social Forces, 81(2), 643-662.
  • Waldfogel, J., Han, W., & Brooks-Gunn, J. (2002). The effects of early maternal employment on child cognitive development. Demography, 39(2), 369-392.
  • Wharton, A. S. & Blair-Loy, M. (2002). The “overtime culture” in a global corporation. Work and Occupations, 29(1), 32-63.

2002 Kanter Award

2002 Winner

  • Jacobs, J. A., & Gerson, K. (2001). Overworked individuals or overworked families? Work and Occupations, 28(1), 40-63.

2002 Finalists

  • Budig, M. J., & England, P. (2001). The wage penalty for motherhood. American Sociological Review, 66, 204-225.
  • Crouter, A. C., Bumpus, M. F., Head, M. R., & McHale, S. M. (2001). Implications of overwork and overload for the quality of men’s family relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 404-416.
  • Greenhaus, J. H., Parasuraman, S., & Collins, K. M. (2001). Career involvement and family involvement as moderators of relationships between work-family conflict and withdrawal from a profession. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6(2), 91-100.
  • Lyness, K. S., & Judiesch, M. K. (2001). Are female managers quitters? The relationships of gender, promotions, and family leaves of absence to voluntary turnover. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(6), 1167-1178.
  • South, S. J. (2001). Time-dependent effects of wives’ employment on marital dissolution. American Sociological Review, 66, 226-245.

2002 Nominees

  • Brandon, P. D. & Bumpass, L. (2001). Children’s living arrangements, coresidence of unmarried fathers and welfare receipt. Journal of Family Issues, 22(1), 3-26.
  • Brennan, R. T, Barnett, R. C., & Gareis, K. C. (2001). When she earns more than he does: A longitudinal study of dual-earner couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 168-182.
  • Drago, R. (2001). Time on the job and time with their kids: Cultures of teaching and parenthood in the US. Feminist Economics, 7(3), 1-31.
  • Drago, R., Costanza, D., Caplan, R., Brubaker, T., Cloud, D., Harris, N., Kashian, R., & Riggs, T. L. (2001). The willingness to pay for work/family policies: A study of teachers. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 55(1), 22-41.
  • Edwards, M. E. (2001). Uncertainty and the rise of the work-family dilemma. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 183-196.
    Gerstel, N., & Clawson, D. (2001). Unions’ responses to family concerns. Social Problems, 48(2), 277-297.
  • Lerman, R. I., & Ratcliffe, C. (2001). Are single mothers finding jobs without displacing other workers? Monthly Labor Review, 124(7), 3-12.
  • Lewis, S., & Smithson, J. (2001). Sense of entitlement to support for the reconciliation of employment and family life. Human Relations, 54(11), 1455-1481.
  • MacDermid, S. M., Hertzog, J. L., Kensinger, K. B., & Zipp, J. F. (2001). The role of organizational size and industry in job quality and work-family relationships. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 22(2), 191-216.
  • Marks, S. M., Huston, T. L., Johson, E. M., & MacDermid, S. M. (2001). Role balance among white married couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 1083-1098.
  • Roberts, N. A., & Levenson, R. W. (2001). The remains of the workday: Impact of job stress and exhaustion on marital interaction in police couples. Journal of Marriage and Family, 63, 1052-1067.
  • Shaffer, M. A., & Harrison, D. A. (2001). Forgotten partners of international assignments: Development and test of a model of spouse adjustment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 80(2), 238-254.
  • Sun, Y. & Li, Y. (2001). Marital disruption, parental investment, and children’s academic achievement. Journal of Family Issues, 22(1), 27-62.
  • Szinovacz, M. E., & Davey, A. (2001). Retirement effects on parent-adult child contacts. The Gerontologist, 41(2), 191-200.

2001 Kanter Award

2001 Winners

  • Bianchi, S. M. (2000). Maternal employment and time with children: Dramatic change or surprising continuity? Demography, 37(4), 401-414.
  • Presser, H. B. (2000). Nonstandard work schedules and marital instability. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 93-110.

2001 Finalists

  • Bianchi, S. M., Milkie, M. A., Sayer, L. C., & Robinson, J. P. (2000). Is anyone doing the housework? Trends in the gender division of household labor. Social Forces, 79(1), 191-228.
  • Erickson, R. J., Nichols, L., & Ritter, C. (2000). Family influences on absenteeism: Testing an expanded process model. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 57, 246-272.
  • Hinze, S. W. (2000). Inside medical marriages: The effect of gender on income. Work and Occupations, 27(4), 464-499.
  • Perry-Smith, J. E., & Blum, T. C. (2000). Work-family human resource bundles and perceived organizational performance. Academy of Management Journal, 43(6), 1107-1117.

2001 Nominees

  • Bernas, K. H., & Major, D. A. (2000). Contributors to stress resistance: Testing a model of women’s work-family conflict. Psychology of Women Quarterly, 24, 170-178.
  • DiPrete, T. A., & McManus, P. A. (2000). Family change, employment transitions, and the welfare state: Household income dynamics in the United States and Germany. American Sociological Review, 65, 343-370.
  • Doucet, A. (2000). ‘There’s a huge difference between me as a male carer and women’: Gender, domestic responsibility, and the community as an institutional arena. Community, Work & Family, 3(2), 163-184.
  • Greenstein, T. N. (2000). Economic dependence, gender, and the division of labor in the home: A replication and extension. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 322-335.
  • Hersch, J. & Stratton, L. S. Household specialization and the male marriage wage premium. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 54(1), 78-94.
  • Kaufman, G., & Uhlenberg, P. (2000). The influence of parenthood on the work effort of married men and women. Social Forces, 78(3), 931-949.
  • Lee, M. D., MacDermid, S. M., & Buck, M. L. (2000). Organizational paradigms of reduced-load work: Accommodation, elaboration, and transformation. Academy of Management Journal, 43(6), 1211-1226.
  • McGraw, L. A., Zvonkovic, A. M., & Walker, A. J. (2000). Studying postmodern families: A feminist analysis of ethical tensions in work and family research. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 68-77.
  • Moen, P., & Yu, Y. (2000). Effective work/life strategies: Working couples, work conditions, gender, and life quality. Social Problems, 47(3), 291-326.
  • Perry-Jenkins, M., & Gillman, S. (2000). Parental job experiences and children’s well-being: The case of two-parent and single-mother working-class families. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21(2), 123-147.
  • Secret, M. (2000). Identifying the family, job, and workplace characteristics of employees who use work-family benefits. Family Relations, 49, 217-225.
  • Szinovacz, M. E. (2000). Changes in housework after retirement: A panel analysis. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 78-92.
  • Trappe, H., & Rosenfeld, R. A. (2000). How do children matter? A comparison of gender earnings inequality for young adults in the former East Germany and the former West Germany. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 62, 489-507.
  • Zylan, Y. (2000). Maternalism redefined: Gender, the state, and the politics of day care, 1945-1962. Gender & Society, 14(5), 608-629.

2000 Kanter Award

2000 Winner

  • Kelly, E., & Dobbin, F. (1999). Civil Rights Law at work: Sex discrimination and the rise of maternity leave policies. American Journal of Sociology, 105(2), 455-492.

2000 Finalists

  • Guthrie, D., & Roth, L. M. (1999). The state, courts, and maternity policies in U. S. organizations: Specifying institutional mechanisms. American Sociological Review, 64, 41-63.
  • Pavalko, E. K., & Smith, B. (1999). The rhythm of work: Health effects of women’s work dynamics. Social Forces, 77(3), 1141-1162.
  • Roxburgh, S. (1999). Exploring the work and family relationship: Gender differences in the influence of parenthood and social support on job satisfaction. Journal of Family Issues, 20(6), 771-788.

2000 Nominees

  • Ashcraft, K. L. (1999). Managing maternity leave: A qualitative analysis of temporary executive succession. Administrative Science Quarterly, 44, 240-280.
  • Aryee, S. (1999). An examination of the moderating influence of breadwinner role salience on the pay-life satisfaction relationship. Human Relations, 52(10), 1279-1290.
  • Baydar, N., Greek, A., & Gritz, R. M. (1999). Young mothers’ time spent at work and time spent caring for children. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 20(1), 61-84.
  • Becker, P. E., & Moen, P. (1999). Scaling back: Dual-earner couples’ work-family strategies. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 995-1007.
  • Blair-Loy, M. (1999). Career patterns of executive women in finance: An optimal matching analysis. American Journal of Sociology, 104(5), 1346-1397.
  • Bumpus, M. F., Crouter, A. C., & McHale, S. M. (1999). Work demands of dual-earner couples: Implications for parents’ knowledge about children’s daily lives in middle childhood. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 465-475.
  • Gager, C. T., Cooney, T. M., & Call, K. T. (1999). The effects of family characteristics and time use on teenagers’ household labor. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 982-994.
  • Grandey, A. A., & Cropanzano, R. (1999). The conservation of resources model applied to work-family conflict and strain. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 350-370.
  • Heath, D. T., & Orthner, D. K. (1999). Stress and adaptation among male and female single parents. Journal of Family Issues, 20(4), 557-587.
  • Hotchkiss, J. L., & Moore, R. E. (1999). On the evidence of a working spouse penalty in the managerial labor market. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 52(3), 410-423.
  • Huber, M. S., & Kossek, E. E. (1999). Community distress predicting welfare exits: The under-examined factor for families in the United States. Community, Work, and Family, 2(2), 173-186.
  • Judiesch, M. K., & Lyness, K. S. (1999). Left behind? The impact of leaves of absence on managers’ career success. Academy of Management Journal, 42(6), 641-651.
  • Klerman, J. A., & Leibowitz, A. (1999). Job continuity among new mothers. Demography, 36(2), 145-155.
  • Kossek, E. E., & Ozeki, C. (1999). Bridging the work-family policy and productivity gap: A literature review. Community, Work, and Family, 2(1), 7-32.
  • Macmillan, R., & Gartner, R. (1999). When she brings home the bacon: Labor- force participation and the risk of spousal violence against women. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 947-958.
  • Maume, D. J., Jr. (1999). Glass ceilings and glass escalators: Occupational segregation and race and sex differences in managerial promotions. Work and Occupations, 26(4), 483-509.
  • Milkie, M. A., & Peltola, P. (1999). Playing all the roles: Gender and the work-family balancing act. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 476-490.
  • Paxton, P. (1999). Is social capital declining in the United States? A multiple indicator assessment. American Journal of Sociology, 105(1), 88-127.
  • Powell, G. N., & Mainiero, L. A. (1999). Managerial decision making regarding alternative work arrangements. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 72, 41-56.
  • Rogers, S. J. (1999). Wives’ income and marital quality: Are there reciprocal effects? Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 123-132.
  • Rothausen, T. J. (1999). ‘Family’ in organizational research: A review and comparison of definitions and measures. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 817-836.
  • Tharenou, P. (1999). Is there a link between family structures and women’s and men’s managerial career advancement? Journal of Organizational Behavior, 20, 837-863.
  • Thompson, C. A., Beauvais, L. L., & Lyness, K. S. (1999). When work-family benefits are not enough: The influence of work-family culture on benefit utilization, organizational attachment, and work-family conflict. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 54, 392-415.
  • Twiggs, J. E., McQuillan, J., & Ferree, M. M. (1999). Meaning and measurement: Reconceptualizing measures of the division of household labor. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 712-724.
  • Voydanoff, P., & Donnelly, B. W. (1999). Multiple roles and psychological distress: The intersection of the paid worker, spouse, and parent roles with the role of the adult child. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61, 725-738.