The Digital Divide: How Does it Divide Hoosiers?
Thursday, December 10, 2020
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The pandemic has highlighted the “digital divide”. Broadband access varies widely across Indiana, and affects key elements of the state budget including K-12 education and health care. This Family Impact Seminar shared recent evidence about useful policy strategies.
Family Impact Seminars share recent evidence and useful policy strategies in a nonpartisan setting to allow open dialogue to find common ground on policy and programs that affect Hoosier families for the upcoming legislative session.
Research, materials, policies, or statements of any kind developed by or communicated in association with the “Center for Families” or the “Family Impact Seminars” are not the official policies or positions of Purdue University and should not be characterized as such.
The State of Broadband in Indiana
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Roberto Gallardo, PhD
Director, Purdue Center for Regional Development
C&RE Extension Specialist at Purdue University
The Digital Divide and Education
Laura Stelitano, PhD
Associate Policy Researcher at the RAND Corporation
Digitally Invisible and the New Underclass
Nicol Turner Lee, PhD
Senior Fellow, Governance Studies and Director
Center for Technology Innovation, Brookings Institution
2020 Indiana Consortium of Family Organizations
The Indiana Family Impact Seminars provide objective, high-quality research on family issues to (a) build greater respect for and use of research in policy decisions; (b) encourage policymakers to examine policies and programs through the lens of family impacts; and (c) provide neutral, nonpartisan opportunities for legislators to engage in open dialogue for fostering relationships and finding common ground.