Indiana Family Impact Seminars

Reducing Poverty and Producing Prosperity in Indiana
#26, January 2024
Protecting New Hoosiers and their Parents
#25, November 2022
Growing the Labor Force in the Post-COVID Era
#24, December 2021
The Digital Divide: How Does it Divide Hoosiers?
#23, December 2020
Hoosiers and Homes: Housing Policies in Indiana
#22, November 2019
Our Double Epidemic: Hoosier Children Caught in the Opioid Crisis
#21, November 2018
Diversion Programs at the Intersection of Substance Abuse and Mental Health
#20, November 2017
The Future of Indiana: Reducing Risky Behavior of Our Youth
#19, November 2016Rising Substance Abuse and Hoosier Families: What can Legislators Do?
#18, November 2015
Pre-K in Indiana: Preparing our Children For Success
#17, November 2014
Now What? Implementing Health Care Reform in Indiana
#16, November 2013
The New Age of Health Care: Implications for Hoosier Families
#15, November 2012
Maximizing the Value of P-12 Educational Resources in Indiana
#12, November 2009
The Burden of the Unbanked in Indiana
#11, November 2008
Meeting the Challenge of Moving Youth into the Workforce: Reducing Dropouts and Increasing Educational Attainment
#10, November 2007
Financing Healthcare for Indiana Families
#9, November 2006
Gambling: What are the Odds for Indiana Families?
#8, November 2005
Growing Indiana’s Human Capital: Assuring Positive Futures for Youth
#7, January 2005Ensuring the Economic Security of Indiana’s Children
#6, January 2004
The Effect of Changes in Tax Policy on Indiana Families
#5, January 2003
Ensuring the Health of Long-Term Care: Policy Options
#4, January 2002
Enhancing the Educational Experience: Policy Alternatives
#3, January 2001
Middle School Violence: Keeping Students Safe
#2, January 2000
Healthy Environments for Young Children
#1, February 1999Research, materials, policies, or statements of any kind developed by or communicated in association with the “Center for Families” or the “Indiana Family Impact Seminars” are not the official policies or positions of Purdue University and should not be characterized as such.